is a collection of top-notch ecommerce websites.
Do you love browsing design galleries for inspiration but find the only ecommerce sites featured tend to be heavily design-led boutique fashion websites? Nothing wrong with that, but it can be hard to find more relatable examples in other industries, especially B2B. aims to showcase an eclectic mix of stores across many different verticals, with less of a focus on front-end experimentation and more on the metrics and UX practices that matter to ecommerce.
Meet the team
Catalin founded Mostash in March 2008, when content marketing was not yet a buzzword. He’s a huge magazine geek, and a big fan of hot jazz and soup. He sometimes uses the company name as an excuse to wear fake stashes.
Bogdan is a founding member of, having accumulated almost 7 years of curating experience over this period. In his spare time he likes to study classical music and explore visual arts. He’s quite obsessed with fixies as well. He owns 5 already.
Raj is our lead developer and occasional guardian angel. He’s using his magic to make everything work well (and fix!), from coding the website in WordPress, to optimising website speed, fine-tuning our AWS server and so on.
Anna’s first grown-up job was in journalism, she was writing articles on economic issues. Then she became a financial consultant, and after that she worked in radio, tv, and public relations. “I’m just a normal person with a few friends, who travels, watches movies and reads good books.”
Ben has been delivering business growth through SEO, content, conversion rate optimisation and digital strategy for many years. He’s available for interesting freelance work.
We are Shopify Partners
Need help with and ecommerce design or development project? Get in touch.
Don’t be a stranger
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Oh, and if you want to submit an online shop to our gallery, please use this form. 🌈